Thursday, August 21, 2008

And they said he would never get it

After 12 months of working hard and multiple set backs Rob graduated from High School. No, not a GED, a full fledged diploma. Rob persevered through me and Mikala being hospitalized multiple times, working extra hours to make up for me not working, and the board of education changing the requirements for graduation. Today, we went and picked up his diploma. Congratulations!!! We are proud of you.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WOW! They do look alike

I never thought Budah and Mik looked alike until this past weekend when I took these pictures of them together. I guess that's what happens when you are brother and sister.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mikala, Mik, Little Sis, Midge, Fang

OK, so we can't really call her "Fang" anymore now that her front teeth are coming in. But a good friend of mine said I didn't have enough pictures of Mikala on the blog. This one's for you "Little Sis." Here are some pictures I took of her over the weekend. I love you baby girl.

Picture Perfect

While up at the property this past weekend, I got out of doing work by taking pictures of the kids. How could you possibly argue with that. I mean pictures are the most important things, aren't they? Well, while Rob worked with my parents, I took pictures of our kids. Then, I gave my mom a break by telling her I needed her help. These are just a few of my favorites. I will have to post more but I couldn't wait any longer to get these on the blog. Oh and by the way...Rob came up with the title.
If I do say so myself...that is cute

Budah's (dirty) feet
Mikala's feet

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tribute to Wallsburg

When I was 3 yrs old my parents along with my uncle, aunt, grams and gramps bought 14.5 acres of property in Wallsburg, Utah. From that time on we would go there nearly every weekend from May through October. Wallsburg is a small farming community where people still wave at you. Growing up, we would ride our bikes (single speed) to Elmo Fords Mercantile. It was a 2 mile ride (minus 1/10) from our property to Elmo's Store. My cousins and I would ride there every Saturday afternoon to buy penny candy (true penny candy) and candy bars. The store closed in 1994 and I haven't been by since. I would drive past it on our way to the property but never stopped. No reason too if its not open. This past weekend , I went by to take pictures of it. Everything in the store was just how it was when I was little. The rocking chair Mr. Ford would sit in was still there. I could see him there rocking. The jars of penny candy still sit full on the counter. It was amazing. So many memories came rushing back and I shared them all with Rob on our drive home. I am sure he was bored out of his mind. I shot a picture of the old school. What a amazing building. I also took a picture of the coolest house. I asked the owner if it was OK and he was so nice. He told me stories of growing up in it and about how hot it was in the loft. He told me about the Adobe bricks that are now exposed. It was a great visit and I learned so much. Thanks for sharing your stories with me.

Mr. Fords Store

Shooting through the window that is reflective glass. You get the idea.

Picture of the Adobe Bricks. How cool is that?
The old school