Thursday, August 21, 2008

And they said he would never get it

After 12 months of working hard and multiple set backs Rob graduated from High School. No, not a GED, a full fledged diploma. Rob persevered through me and Mikala being hospitalized multiple times, working extra hours to make up for me not working, and the board of education changing the requirements for graduation. Today, we went and picked up his diploma. Congratulations!!! We are proud of you.


Jen said...

Congrats!!! Thats fabulous- and every bit of an accomplishment for you Susie! ;)

lindsay said...

YAY... congratulations are in order for ALL of you! You two seem like a good team! Way to go!

Nielsen Rat Race said...

Way to go Rob!! ( and Susie!!) We knew you could do it.

Andrea Shields said...

FREAKING AWESOME! Way to go! We are so happy for you. Celebrate...Love Andi & Jo