Friday, May 15, 2009

Force+hand+sidewalk=broken left elbow

Yesterday I was out in our front yard talking to a friend when I SOMEHOW stepped backwards, twisted my ankle, fell on the sidewalk and broke my left arm. To make matters worse, it is going to need to be surgically repaired. NICE! I see the orthopedic surgeon today. GRRRRR


lindsay said...

NOOOO! oh my goodness! I feel terrible! just what you need, a broken bone! Let me know if I can help out with anything... maybe a visit to kev's office to cheer ya up! ;-)

Jessica said...

that really bites! I am sorry to hear that. Falling down hurts enough, on top of that you have a twisted ankle and broken arm? Let me know if you nedd anything, seriously. I hope it goes okay today!