Friday, June 26, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away...

I don't know about all of you but I am a little tired of the rain. I feel like we are in Oregon. It seems every time I think about getting on my bike, it rains. I am going to do the ULCER (Utah Lake Epic Century Ride). If this rain doesn't slow down I am not going to be able to train, and condition my butt. I haven't been on my bike for a long distance ride since the Tour. Oh well. I have to look at the positive side, my air conditioner isn't running non stop which keeps the power bill down, my water bill is down since I don't have to water the lawn and the rain does bring beautiful rainbows.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

For Fathers Day we went up to Walsburg for dinner on Saturday Night then we spent the night. What is up with this weather? It rained us out!!! We spent the night with the hopes of getting a bike ride in. Well, I did get to take a ride with my "sister in law" Michelle (My cousin Eddie's wife). That was a ton of fun. We just did a short little ride but did a lot of talking which we haven't had time to do in a long time. Rob and Eddie hung out and caught up. It was so much fun. Then it rained, and rained, and rained. Oh well. It was still a ton of fun. Can't wait to hang out with them agian soon. My Aunt and Uncle, Mom and Dad, Butthead and Jamie also came up to celebrate.

I am so lucky to have these amazing men in my life and I love them more than words can say.

The Ride to the Tour de Cure

On June 13, 2009 Rob and I road in our first Century ride ever. It was in support for the American Diabetes Association. As you know I am diabetic so it was very appropriate for me to make this my first ride. I raised over $800 dollars for the ADA. It was a cold, wet, gloomy day. We were rained on, Rob blew his back tire, and broke his cleat on his shoe. Don't you worry, we finished our 104 mile ride in 7 hours and 18 mins. Thank you for all your love, support and believing in me.

Those are not fun clouds. OH it is going to be cold.

Rob, Susie, Chariti's bikes

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Caleb and Daisy

Rob, Budah, Mikala and I also had a lot of fun hanging out with Rob's sister and husband. They have a time share and invited us to come hang out with them. It was great to visit with them and watch our kids play together. I have never taken pictures of Caleb and Daisy so it was way past time. Here are just a couple.

Daisy 6 months old

Caleb 2

Family Reunion

This weekend was my Mom's family reunion. My Mom and Aunt organized it. It was a lot of fun. I was able to hang out with my cousins that I don't see near enough as well as see extended family that I haven't seen for years. I took pictures of my "niece and nephew" who are acutely my Cousin's kids (Eddie and Michelle are more like my brother and sister so they are my niece and nephew. Get it?)



I love these two kids so much!!! Thanks Colin and Paige for being good sports. Love you!

I also sneaked in a picture of my second cousins little boy. He's not much for pictures...good thing he's not my son. He would go nuts with me.


My cousin Jon has a dang cute little boy that has beautiful blue eyes. Had to have a picture of him.