Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kid Pictures

I feel like it has been forever since I have posted. Then I look at the date of my last post and it really has. Life has been a little crazy.
So my good friend and mentor Jen found this amazing location and I have wanted to shoot there for awhile. I finally did it this weekend after several attempts over the past few weeks but had really grumpy kids. I had them all dressed each time and when we would get there, they would turn on the water works. GRRRR. Oh well. Sunday was our day. Here are a few of my favorites.


lindsay said...

Amazing photos... gorgeous kids... i miss YOU!

Jen said...

Sus- I love them!!!! Did Mik just start looking older overnight?! Darling pics- love them. Lets hang out when I get back in town! Love ya

Andrea and Alex Barker said...

way cute pics! Glad you posted again :) I saw kevin yesterday in our office. It was good to see him. He is a total crack-up though :) Tell Judy I send my love. Kevin said it was a good thing since her mom wasn't doing very well over the past month or so. Still sad - and it has been a long haul because it all started when I was there last year!!! Holy cow. Anyway, I would love to do lunch one of these days. It might be short notice but don't you live really close to TOSH??? Let me know...
Miss ya!