Thursday, June 26, 2008

Downtown Pictures

Last Saturday we went Downtown and met my friends The Bertoch family. We shot some pictures of the kids. It was a lot of fun. Budah was tired and very grumpy.GRRR. Oh well. These are some of the pics from that night. Thanks to Jen and Daniel for the smarties that kept Budah more bearable.
Amy and Aly...what beautiful girls
Daniel, Aly, Jen, Amy. Way Cute Family

Budah eating smarties


Jen said...

Fun! I was so mad that night about my lens. Grrr. But- guess what Im ordering tonight? Yep- the one thats almost as expensive as my camera. Anyway- I'll see you monday.

The Lewis Family said...

Cute pictures Suz!!! Those little girls are gorgeous!!! Can't wait til my girls are lovey with eachother like that!!!!

lindsay said...

k suzi, i think you have a great blog... love your music, your pics, your attitude... love you!!! i am so glad we shared blogs (though, to bad for you, I am going to be keeping up with you often :-)