Saturday, September 6, 2008

$2 fair tickets

My good friend Sophia called me and said "lets go to the fair." I love the fair but I hate the price. She told me that it is only $2.00 on opening day. How could I refuse. So, Thursday afternoon we took off to the Utah State Fair. We had so much fun. Sophia and I were friends in High School but lost contact after I graduated. One April day, two years ago, she came into the office to have her new born son Ayden seen by Dr. Parzych. The rest is history. Ayden is a little over a month younger than Budah and Gabi is about 10 months younger than Mik.

Budah and Mikala are definitely their papa's grand kids. My dad LOVES corn. His eating it is a art form. Every kernel is eaten completely and the cob is clean as if the corn fell off the cob. As you can see Budah and Mik are going to do the same thing one day.

Best Friends hold hands even when in different strollers.

1 comment:

Jen said...

How fun is that!! I love Sophia- tell her hi next time. And when are we gonna get together?!! Miss you!