Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother of the Year

So, Monday I had it all planned out...I would pick up the kids, hang out with them for a few hours, put them to bed and then play on photoshop and talk to my friend Jen on messenger. It was going to be a nice relaxing night. That all came to a end at 7:22 pm when Mikala fell of the bed and landed on a plug that cut her head. Next thing I know I am on my way to drop Budah off to my mom and dad and flying up to Primary Children's Medical Center. Rob was on shift so he just met me up there and tried to comfort me and Mik. He could only stay for a few minutes. I was then on my own. We were up there for 5 hours. A Nurse Practitioner named Steve sewed her up and he did a fab job. Mik was a true trooper. They didn't want to sedate her because of her size so he just sewed her with a little lidocane gel on her head. It had worn off by the time they sewed her but she took it like a trooper. I was so proud of her.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A busy day

So today, Rob and I worked in the yard a little bit. After that we decided it would be fun for Budah to play in his little swimming pool. Rob filled it with water from the hose then he warmed it up with hot water from the house. Budah had a blast. We splashed him and he splashed us. It was a blast to watch him. Kona hung out with us and played in the front yard. She "danced" with Rob and had a good time. She is a AWSOME dog. We did a photo of the three of us. Wish Mikala was awake but she needed her sleep. She is growing like a weed. Then we went to the dog park with Uncle Cole and Auntie Katie. They brought Luka and Izzy. After the dog park we went and saw Mikayla's (our neighbor) play at Bonneville Jr. High. She did a great job. Thanks for inviting us. Now I sit and post. It was a busy day but we sure did have fun as a family. Sorry the pics are out of order. :(

Budah in a tree at the dog park

Not only brother and sister but best friends

Budah fell of his bike and hit his elbow. OUCH!

Mikala with her Daddy
Luka and Izzy

Rob filling the pool with hot water
My feet
Budahs feet
Splish Splash
Kona and Rob

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Big Helper

So today I was tearing down the ivy that has been growing up our chimney. I went and got all the tools and then grabbed my gloves. Budah decided that he needed my gloves as well as a rake. If I wanted to get anything done I had to give in...

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm the baby

Today I was doing laundry. When I came back into the kitchen, Austin was in Mikala's swing. He looked at me and said..."Mama, I'm a baby."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Susie's Birthday

Today was my birthday. It was a great day. I went to work and we celebrated with a chocolate cake that "Mrs. Smith" made. It was soooo yummy. Then I went home and spent some fun time with Rob and the kids. Then we went to my parents and had a BBQ. We had a great time as a family with my parents, brother, his girlfriend Jamie and her son Jayden. We had the typical cake and ice cream. Austin helped me blow out the candles and was so proud of himself. Then he took a candle out and started to suck the icing off. A few minutes later I asked where the candle was so I could throw it away...check out the result.

Aperture/Shutter Speed

Ok, so I was trying to practice aperture with the camera. I wanted to capture the movement. After 30 minutes of trying I finally got one good shot. Here it is.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kandice and Mike Wedding

Today was a busy day. Not only did we have SLCC graduation but we also had Rob's sisters wedding. It was at Log Haven. Log Haven is such a beautiful setting for a wedding. It was neat to see friends and family we hadn't seen in a while and it was great to see the lady who married me and Rob. Rev. Anita is a amazing person and she has such a great personality. She did a beautiful ceremony for Mike and Kandice. I want to thank Rob and Braden for wearing pink shirts and ties. I know it wasn't your color of choice but we sure did look GOOOOD. Mikala was stunning in her new dress. Here are just a few pics.
Budah Pooping (his face made me laugh)

Distinguished Alumni

Today was graduation at SLCC. My dad who has been a professor at the college for nearly 50 years was recognized by the Alumni Association. It was such a privilege to sit at graduation and see my dad on the stage with the Presidential Procession. Dad has put a lot of time and effort into bettering the college, educating students in the area of Auto Collision Repair as well as educating the Auto Collision Industry. His dedication to his area of expertise has enriched several lives. I just hope I touch as many lives as my dad has. I am so proud to be his daughter. Thanks Dad for your example. I LOVE YOU!!!

The picture of the Auto Collision Building is where it all began for me. Although my dad taught at another campus, that campus is no longer. Larry H. Miller donated money for the LHM campus and that is where my dads program moved to. For me, this building holds many memories and is really where the heart of the Automotive Program is. I used to love to go and see my dad while he was working and while I was attending SLCC it was great to be able to go see dad in action.

Vince Badger, Brett Baird, Mom, Geoffry Bruger, Dad, and Ella
Dad and Beau Bahka (Presiden of Alumni Association SLCC)