Sunday, July 6, 2008

Field of Gold

Last night my neighbor Jenny and I took our kids(all but her daughter Kayla who is in Idaho for the summer taking care of her Grandparents) out to take pictures. It was a lot of fun. We love their family. The boys weren't totally into the picture thing but I think it was nice for them to just be out of the house. Jenny has a real old rod iron chair. It is SO cool, so we took it with us. Oh and the bribery was video games. It is so true the older they are the more money it costs. Mikala and Budah really hammed it up for me. Braden, Mike, Zach and Issac put up with me. Thanks guys for letting me "shoot" you.
Mikala-Not quite sure I like the vignette around her
Zach, Issac & Mike
Zach, Mike, Issac


Jen said...

How fun! Love them! Were you out by my place?

Nielsen Rat Race said...

Your kids are soo freakin cute! I cant believe the way budah loves the camera.(Wish all kids were like that!)