Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nearly a week at PCMC

Last Tuesday night I brought Budah to PCMC with a 105.5 temp that I couldn't get to break. He had been having fevers since Saturday but was continuing to decline. We arrived at the ER around 8:30 pm. We were back in a room by 9. They did all the typical tests...UA,Chest x-ray and strep test. ALL came back negative. The blood work they did was also negative...but there was obviously something wrong. They didn't feel comfortable about sending him home so they sent us to the RTU (Rapid Treatment Unit) for over night observation. Of course we will be going home in the morning. Budah continued to have fevers. The blood cultures hadn't come back so we were waiting for them. The doctor came in to talk to me around 8:30 Wednesday night. He stated that he was usually pretty cut and dry what he is going to do with a patient but Budah had him stunned. He was fine with me taking him home if I thought that would be good or he was ok with another night in the RTU. I chose to keep him there. He stated that since our 24 hours would be up at 2 am he would have to turn us over to the hospitalists for full admission. I was fine with that. We didn't leave the RTU but were under different doctors care. Budah was great 20 minutes later. He didn't have a fever and was acting like my boy. I started to question if I had made the right choice. He was cleaning up the toys he had been playing with and jumping around the halls and his room. Then at around 10:30 out of now where he spiked a 106.6 fever. It was not pretty. He had ice packs on him and he was not doing well. His heart rate was up to 198 (due to the fever) and respirations were at 44. He had me stressed.
They got his temp down and he was doing better. They came in and checked on him at around 11 for vitals but then by 11:30 he was at 105+ again. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen.
To make a long story short we have been dealing with the fevers until yesterday. Among other issues like his heart rate dropping to between 40 and 55 and his respirations down to 8. He is throwing pvc's and has a irregular heart beat. We are thinking now that it is a sleep apnea issue. We thought we might get discharged today but he isn't eating or drinking despite having the IV's turned off. We are going to try again tomorrow.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. You have helped to keep me strong. AND don't think I didn't get my camera up here for some photos of my lil man. I will download them when we get home...who knows when that will be. : )


Jen said...

Oh my gosh Susie... Im so sorry to hear about Budah being so sick. I really hope he gets better soon and you guys can come home. We'll be praying for you guys and let us know if we can do anything for you!

The Lewis Family said...

Suz...I hope he gets better fast!! Keep us all posted on what is going on!

Andrea Shields said...

Suz: I love you so much, let me know if you need ANYTHING! Andi

Mackenzie said...

Oh my dear! Hope everything clears up and please let me know if I can do anything.

nEw & imPRovEd LauDeR"s said...

I hope everything turns out ok. The boys missed you at the dr. the other day. Brody weighed 14.10 but Landon only weighed 11.3. good luck and keep us posted.